Pokemon Radical Red Item Locations (2024)

All Pokemon Radical Red Item Locations

Pokemon Radical Red, at its core, is a difficulty hack with additional features; quite similar to Drayano60’s enhancement hacks, which provide access to nearly all the Pokemon while also adding relevant buffs.

It has various amazing features such as Mega Evolution, Pokemon from Gen 1-8, Dynamax Raid Battles, Hisuian Forms, a Much Higher Difficulty & Much More!

If you’re looking for all evolution changes in pokemon radical red, we’ve got you covered!

Note:Search inside the Page by pressing ctrl+f or use the “Search” option on your browser to look for a specific Item.

Pokemon Radical Red Item Locations


Pallet Town

  • Potion x1 Computer in player’s house
  • PokéDex From Professor Oak after bringing him the Oak’s Parcel from Viridian City’s Poké Mart
  • Poké Ball x10 From Professor Oak after bringing him the Oak’s Parcel from Viridian City’s Poké Mart
  • Town Map From Daisy in Rival’s house after getting PokéDex from Oak
  • Eevium Z Postgame – From Professor Oak after the two battles (Requires Z-Ring)

Route 1

  • Potion x1 From the guy standing below the trees above the first ledge

Viridian City

  • Repel x1 In the narrow path on the north western side, behind a cut tree
  • Oak’s Parcel In the Poké Mart, given to you by the clerk
  • Wise Glasses x1 From the girl in Trainers school
  • Old Rod From a fisherman near a pond in the south west part of the city
  • Teachy TV From the old man in the north area of the city, after getting PokéDex from Oak
  • Poké Vial From the Teacher in Trainers School after solving a puzzle battle
  • Power Weight x1 From the fat guy in the south west part of the city (Surf HM required)
  • TM 059 – Dragon Pulse From Clair after defeating her
  • Duraludite From Clair after defeating her
  • TM 072 – Draco Barrage Postgame – From Clair after a rematch battle

Route 22

  • Scizorite In the middle of the route in between the pond and a ledge (Surf HM required)

Route 2

  • Dexnav From Professor Oak’s scientist upon entering the route from Viridian City, in between the two ledges
  • Oran Berry x10 From Professor Oak’s scientist upon entering the route from Viridian City, in between the two ledges
  • HM 05 – Flash From Professor Oak’s scientist in the south-eastern gate (accessed later from Viridian City or Cut HM required)
  • Ether x1 Below the south-eastern gate (Cut HM required)
  • TM 057 – Charge Beam Eastern side to the south (Cut HM required)
  • Orbeetlite Above Diglett’s Cave (Rock Smash HM required)

Viridian Forest

  • Antidote x1 Hidden few steps north from the western most entrance tile
  • Potion x1 In the bottom right corner of the forest
  • Antidote x1 In the top right area, near a bug catcher and a sign post
  • Poké Ball x1 In the top center area
  • Potion x1 Hidden in the grass near the northern exit, in the direction the last bug catcher is facing
  • Exp. Share From Brendan, after defeating him in front of the northern gate
  • Stat Scanner From Brendan, after defeating him in front of the northern gate
  • TM 081 – X-Scissor Going south and then left from the northern gate (Rock Smash HM required)
  • Butterfrite Going south and then left from the northern gate (Rock Smash HM required)

Diglett’s Cave (small part of the cave accessible without need for any HM)

  • TM 046 – Thief Inside the cave

Pewter City

  • Nugget x1 Hidden in the top left corner of the city, in the middle of the light green platform
  • TM 051 – Roost From Falkner in the museum after defeating him
  • TM 039 – Rock Tomb From Brock after defeating him
  • D-Max Band From Professor Oak’s Scientist after defeating Brock when you exit the city to the east towards Route 3
  • Wishing Piece x5 From Professor Oak’s Scientist after defeating Brock when you exit the city to the east towards Route 3
  • Old Amber From a scientist in the museum behind the reception desk (Cut HM required)
  • Aerodactlite From Brock after defeating him in a rematch
  • TM 071 – Stone Edge From Brock after defeating him in a rematch

Route 3

  • TM 034 – Teleport In the grassy patch
  • Thunder Stone x1 In the south eastern corner of the route, near the Raid Den

Route 4 (West Side)

  • Persim Berry x1 Hidden in the top right area, left from Pokémon Center
  • Water Stone x1 In the north western corner, left from Pokémon Center

Mt. Moon (the top floor accessed from route 4)

  • TM 09 – Bullet Seed Bottom left area, left from the entrance
  • Parlyz Heal x1 Bottom left area, near the Bug Catcher
  • Potion x1 Bottom right area, near the scientist
  • Rare Candy x1 Bottom right corner
  • Escape Rope x1 Near the right side’s wall, in the center
  • Muscle Band x1 From a guy in the top right corner, near the rocks
  • Moon Stone x1 Top left corner, near the Hiker

Mt. Moon (the room with 2 Rocket Grunts accesed from the first ladder)

  • Star Piece x1 On the heightened platform

Mt. Moon (the room accessed from the second ladder through the tunnel with breakable rocks)

  • Scope Lens x1 North west of the ladder you climbed from the tunnel (Rock Smash HM required)
  • Ether x1 Hidden on a rock directly east from the ladder you climed from the tunnel (Rock Smash HM required)

Mt. Moon basem*nt (accessed from the third ladder)
Revive x1 Top from the ladder you enter this basem*nt from
TM 078 – Low Sweep Right from the 2nd Team Rocket Grunt
Moon Stone x1 Hidden in the rock right above TM 078 – Low Sweep
Helix Fossil/Dome Fossil In the top left area, after defeating the Scientist (You can only pick one)
Antidote x1 On the left side, near the exit ladder

Route 4 (East Side)

  • TM 101 – Power-Up Hit From the left Black Belt
  • Macho Brace x1 From the right Black Belt
  • Sun Stone x1 Below the 3 ledges
  • Razz Berry x1 Hidden next to the previous Sun Stone (a darkened tile)
  • TM 005 – Roar Right from the two Black Belts, in between the multiple ledges
  • Mewtwonite Y From Giovanni after defeating him in Cerulean Cave
  • Salamencite From Lance after defeating Giovanni with him in tag battle

Cerulean City

  • Bicycle x1 In Bike Shop for $1 000 000, or in exchange for Bike Voucher (Obtainable in Vermilion City)
  • Rare Candy x1 Hidden in the groomer’s garden, on the right side of the garden, below the 3rd flower
  • Poké Rider From your rival on the north side, after defeating him near the Nugget Bridge
  • TM 003 – Flip Turn From Misty after defeating her
  • TM 028 – Dig From Team Rocket Grunt behind the north eastern house
  • Gyaradosite From Misty after defeating her in a rematch

Route 24

  • Nugget x1 Reward from Team Rocket Grunt after defeating him at the end of the Nugget Bridge
  • TM 045 – Drain Kiss Above the Nugget Bridge
  • TM 077 – Flame Charge Right of the Nugget Bridge, accessed from Route 25
  • Power Lens x1 From an Ace Trainer standing on a small islet to the left of the Nugget Bridge (Surf HM required)
  • Pecha Berry x1 On the north eastern heightened platform, accessed from route 25

Route 25

  • Leaf Stone x1 On the heightened platform, in the grass patch
  • TM 043 – Defog Hidden in the “grass maze” near a camper and hiker (Cut HM required, or challenging the camper from bottom)
  • Bluk Berry x1 Hidden on a darker grass tile above the Lass near the left pond
  • Oran Berry x1 Hidden on a darker grass tile between a hiker and a walking youngster
  • S.S. Ticket From Bill inside his cottage when you help him
  • TM 089 – U-Turn From Bugsy after defeating him
  • Nest Ball x5 From Bugsy after defeating him
  • Elixir x1 Hidden at the start of the route between a hiker and youngster, just 1 tile to the left from the first grass stump to the left of the Youngster
  • Ether x1 Hidden to the right of Bill’s cottage, 5 tiles to the right from the cottage’s door

Route 5

  • TM 096 – Bulldoze In the middle fenced area

Route 6

  • Rare Candy x1 Hidden in the north eastern area, right below the fence between the two ledges
  • Sitrus Berry x1 Hidden on a darkened tile in the north western area
  • TM 063 – Venoshock In the north western corner
  • Pinsirite South of the pond (Rock Smash HM or Surf HM required)

Vermilion City

  • Good Rod From fisherman in the house left of Pokémon Center
  • Max Ether x1 Hidden in the corner by going 4 steps down from Pokémon Center’s door and turning left
  • Bike Voucher From the Fan Club Chairman after listening to his story
  • Wishing Piece x5 From a girl in the Pokémon Fan Club if a Yamper is following you
  • Copperajahite Below the gym (Surf HM required)
  • TM 092 – Volt Switch From Lt. Surge after defeating him
  • Manectite From Lt. Surge after defeating him in a rematch
  • Light Clay x1 From Lt. Surge after defeating him in a rematch (Not in Hardcore mode)

Route 11

  • Awakening x1 In the top left corner, right from Diglett’s Cave
  • Soft Sand x1 In the middle part of the route in the grass patch, near the old man and engineer
  • TM 098 – Work Up On the bottom right side in a narrow path, near the old man below the gate
  • Escape Rope x1 Hidden in the top right side in a stone
  • Moomoo Milk x8 From Whitney after defeating her
  • Eviolite x1 From Whitney after defeating her
  • Normal Gem x1 From Whitney after defeating her
  • Itemfinder From a Scientist in the gate upstairs
  • Fire Stone x1 Below the Soft Sand item in the middle of the route, in a grass patch

S.S. Anne

  • Hyper Potion x1 Basem*nt floor’s hallway, hidden in the trash can just under the stairs
  • Rare Candy x1 Basem*nt floor’s second room from the left with the singler sailor inside
  • Ether x1 Basem*nt floor’s third room from the left with the single sailor inside
  • Super Potion x1 Basem*nt floor’s first room from the right with the guy and a Machamp inside
  • TM 031 – Brick Break First floor’s second room from the left with 3 people inside
  • Great Ball x1 In the kitchen, bottom left corner
  • Chesto Berry x1 In the kitchen, bottom trash can on the right
  • Cheri Berry x1 In the kitchen, middle trash can on the right
  • Pecha Berry x1 In the kitchen, top trash can on the right
  • Stardust x1 Second floor’s second room from the left with the fisherman and gentleman inside
  • TM 069 – Rock Polish Second floor’s fourth room from the left with gentleman and lass inside
  • Lucky Egg x2 From Brendan, after beating him near the Captain’s room
  • Shiny Stone x1 From Brendan, after beating him near the Captain’s room
  • HM 01 – Cut Captain’s room, given to you by the Captain himself

Diglett’s Cave (main one)

  • TM 044 – Rest On the northern side, close to the raid den

Route 9

  • TM 040 – Aerial Ace In the bottom left corner, near the hiker
  • Burn Heal x1 In the bottom right corner, near another hiker
  • Ether x1 Hidden on a rock in the top west corner, directly next to the top ledge
  • Chesto Berry x1 Hidden in the top right area on a darkened spot near the hiker and bug catcher
  • Rare Candy x1 Hidden in the north east corner of the route, 2 tiles above the nort-eastern most ledge

Route 10

  • Everstone x1 From Professor Oak’s scientist
  • Persim Berry x1 In the bottom right corner of the fence
  • Cheri Berry x1 In a darkened tile 3 steps away from the picknicker
  • Super Potion x1 Hidden exactly 1 tile left of Pokémon Center on the Rock Tunnel’s south-eastern most tile
  • TM 042 – Facade On the route’s south side, to the right from the entrance of the Rock Tunnel
  • Nanab Berry x1 Hidden on the route’s south side, left from TM 42 – Face on a darkened grass
  • TM 099 – Wild Charge Hidden in front of the Power Plant’s south eastern-most tile (Surf HM required)
  • Max Ether x1 Hidden in front of the Power Plant’s south eastern-most tile, on the same tile as TM 099 (Surf HM required)

Rock Tunnel

  • Repel x1 To the right from the northern entrance
  • Revive x1 B1F, in the dead-end path left of the Pokémaniac
  • Escape Rope x1 1F, in the room with 3 hikers
  • Coloassilite B1F, in the room with multiple crossroads to the north east (Rock Smash HM required)
  • TM 080 – Rock Slide B1F, from a youngster in the room with multiple crossroads
  • Max Ether x1 B1F, above a picknicker in the room with multiple crossroads
  • TM 023 – Iron Tail 1F, in the room accessed from Lavender Town’s side, dead-end path between a single Picnicker on the left side and two on the right side
  • Safety Goggles x1 From your follower Pokémon if it’s a rock, ground or steel type
  • Flyinium Z Postgame – Must access Rock Tunnel from an entrance near Power Plant ; from Falkner after a rematch battle (Requires Z-Ring)
  • Steel Gem x1 Postgame – Must access Rock Tunnel from an entrance near Power Plant ; north of the room, by pushing a boulder (Requires Z-Ring)
  • TM 103 – Sludge Wave Postgame – Must access Rock Tunnel from an entrance near Power Plant ; east of the entrance, unlocked after pushing the first switch (Requires Z-Ring)

Lavender Town

  • TM 030 – Shadow Ball From Morty in Fuji’s house after defeating him
  • Soothe Bell x1 From Morty in Fuji’s house after defeating him
  • Shed Shell x1 From Morty in Fuji’s house after defeating him
  • Poké Flute From Fuji in his house after defeating all the grunts in Pokémon Tower
  • Gengarite in Fuji’s House, from Morty if you show him a Pokémon with max happiness

Route 12 (Upper area, up until the sleeping Snorlax)

  • TM 027 – Return In the northern gate, received from a girl upstairs
  • TM 048 – Meteor Beam A small islet between bridges (Surf HM required)

Route 8

  • Rawst Berry x1 Hidden in the fenced area in the middle, on a darkened tile in the top right (Cut HM required)
  • Lum Berry x1 Hidden in the fenced area in the middle, on a darkened tile in the top left (Cut HM required)
  • Leppa Berry x1 Hidden in the fenced area in the middle, on a darkened tile in the bottom right (Cut HM required)
  • TM 106 – Acrobatics Western side of the route, between the two ledges below the old man
  • Rocky Helmet x1 From an Ace Trainer, after defeating him after getting a Mega Ring
  • Centiskite From an Ace Trainer, after defeating him after getting a Mega Ring

Route 7

  • Wepear Berry x1 Hidden on a darkened tile just south of the gate/east of the underground path
  • TM 062 – Silver Wind In the grass patch’s north eastern corner

Celadon City

  • Lucarionite From a guy having a Lucario, in front of the Pokémon Center if you have a Lucario follower (Soul Badge needed)
  • Dream Ball x1 In the top left corner, behind the Department Store building, accessed by the narrow path directly left of the Pokémon Center
  • Tea Celadon Mansion, from the granny sitting behind the table on the 1st floor
  • Amulet Coin x1 Celadon Mansion, from the tamer on the 2nd floor, sitting on a bench with camper
  • PP Up x1 Hidden in the narrow pathway east of the Game Corner, in the small opening between the trees
  • Power Anklet x1 Gentleman across the pond in front (Surf HM required)
  • Big Nugget x1 From the guy in the restaurant sitting behind the table in top left part of the building
  • Alakazite Department Store’s rooftop, from a little girl sitting behind the desk
  • TM 019 – Giga Drain From Erika after defeating her
  • TM 086 – Grass Knot From Erika after defeating her in a rematch (Requires you to get a medicine for her Gloom in Fuchsia City)
  • TM 117 – Brave Bird In the hotel, after getting Mega Ring and defeating some folks in there
  • Applite In the hotel, after getting Mega Ring and defeating some folks in there
  • Red Card x1 In Erika’s gym, from your follower Pokémon if it’s a fire and/or flying type

Rocket Hideout (below Celadon City’s Game Corner)

  • Bottle Cap x1 B1F, on the table in the room on the left side of the floor under a single grunt
  • PP Up x1 B1F, hidden in the bottom right palm tree in the middle of the floor
  • TM 021 – Frustration B3F, near a generator just below the stairs, near a single grunt
  • Nugget x1 B3F, hidden under a generator in the top left side
  • Rare Candy x1 B3F, on the right side of the warp maze
  • BlackGlasses x1 B3F, in the south east part of the room, near a stair case
  • Max Ether x1 B4F, on a table near the stair case accessed from B3F
  • TM 049 – Leech Life B4F, above the previous Max Ether, near a single Rocket Grunt, accessed from B3F
  • Lift Key B4F, dropped by the single Rocket Grunt after defeating him near TM 49, accessed from B3F
  • Wide Lens x1 B2F, in the north east of the warp maze, directly left of the stair case from previous floor
  • Moon Stone x1 B2F, inside the warp maze, in the north west area
  • TM 012 – Taunt B2F, inside the warp maze, in the middle-ish area, south east of the previous Moon Stone
  • Super Potion x1 B2F, inside the warp maze, on the far left side of it
  • Hyper Potion x1 B1F, in the top left corner of the room accessed from the B3F warp maze stair case
  • Calcium x1 B4F, on a table left of the elevator
  • Net Ball x1 B4F, hidden in between flowers in Giovanni’s Room on the left side
  • Nest Ball x1 B4F, hidden in between flowers in Giovanni’s Room on the right side
  • Silph Scope B4F, dropped by Giovanni in his room after defeating him

Pokémon Tower

  • Sablenite 3F, north east area
  • Elixir x1 4F, directly left of the stair case you came from 3F
  • Awakening x1 4F, in the middle of the room, left of the previous Elixir
  • Great Ball x1 4F, in the bottom of the room
  • Cleanse Tag x1 5F, in the middle of the room on the healing platform
  • Big Mushroom x1 5F, hidden in the top left corner
  • Nugget x1 5F, in the bottom left of the room
  • TM 061 – Will-O-Wisp 6F, in the bottom right of the room
  • Rare Candy x1 6F, in the bottom left of the room
  • Reaper Cloth x1 6F, in the north western part of the room (Rock Smash HM Required)
  • Ghost Gem x1 Postgame – Southwest of the Gengar puzzle room at the top of the Tower (Requires Z-Ring)
  • Mimikium Z Postgame – South of the Gengar puzzle room at the top of the Tower (Requires Z-Ring)
  • Ghostium Z Postgame – From Morty after beating him at the top of the Tower during the trial (Requires Z-Ring)
  • Marshadium Z Postgame – Dropped by Marshadow after battling it at the top of the Tower (Requires Z-Ring)

Saffron City

  • TM 029 – Psychic From Mr. Psychic in his house in the south east part of the city
  • TM 060 – Drain Punch From Chuck after defeating him in the Dojo
  • Expert Belt x1 From Chuck after defeating him in the Dojo
  • Mega Ring From President’s assistant upon approaching the gym, after beating Giovanni in Silph Co.
  • TM 116 – Trick Room Regular mode only – From Sabrina after defeating her
  • TM 104 – Psyshock Hardcore mode only – From Sabrina after defeating her
  • Gardevoirite From Sabrina after defeating her and showing her a Pokémon with perfect IVs (or a shiny Pokémon in MGM/HC mode ; Cameruptite in Hardcore mode)
  • Galladite From Chuck after defeating him and showing him a Pokémon with at least 150 EVs in Attack (or at least 125 base ATK in MGM/HC)
  • Focus Sash x1 From Chuck after defeating him and showing him a Pokémon with at least 150 EVs in Attack (or at least 125 base ATK in MGM/HC)
  • Alcremite From a girl in a western house after receiving Mega Ring and giving her ingredients for a cake
  • Metronome x1 From a girl in a western house after receiving Mega Ring and giving her ingredients for a cake
  • Swampertite From Mudkip Kid in the north-western house after battling him and showing him a Swampert follower
  • Waterium Z Postgame – From Gian in the north-western house after a rematch battle (Requires Z-Ring)
  • Protective Pads x1 In the Fighting Dojo, from your follower Pokémon if it’s a fighting type

Silph Co.

  • TM 010 – Hidden Power 1F, in the bottom right corner
  • Card Key 5F, in the bottom of the room in a narrow hallway
  • TM 073 – Thunder Wave 2F, from a girl in the top left room, needs a key card to be opened or a warp tile near the stairs in 3F
  • Ultra Ball x1 2F, hidden in the bottom palm tree of the bottom left room with a single scientist (keycard required or warp tile from 6F)
  • Protein x1 3F, hidden in the middle palm tree at the bottom right of the floor
  • Hyper Potion x1 3F, in the western-most room with a single scientist (keycard required, warp tile from 9F also requires key card)
  • Iron x1 4F, hidden in the bottom flower in the right room with a single grunt
  • TM 041 – Dragon Dance 4F, on a table in the right room with a single grunt
  • Full Heal x1 4F, in the room on the far left side (keycard required)
  • Max Revive x1 4F, in the room on the far left side (keycard required)
  • Garbodorite 4F, in the room on the far left side (keycard required)
  • PP Up x1 5F, hidden in the east room on the palm tree located in the top right corner of the room
  • Elixir x1 5F, hidden in a palm tree in the small room connected to the east room (keycard required)
  • Protein x1 5F, in the top room on the left side with a single scientist (keycard required)
  • TM 001 – Focus Punch 5F, in the south room on the west side (keycard required)
  • Carbos x1 6F, hidden in the bottom left palm tree in the top left room
  • HP Up x1 6F, top item in the bottom left room (keycard required)
  • Audinite 6F, bottom item in the bottom left room (keycard required)
  • Zinc x1 7F, hidden in the bottom palm tree in the middle-right room (keycard required)
  • TM 008 – Bulk Up 7F, in the middle-right room (keycard required)
  • Kangaskanite 7F, in the bottom left area of the floor, near a scientist
  • Iron x1 8F, in the right room with a single scientist
  • Nugget x1 8F, hidden on the top flower in the right room with a single scientist
  • Max Potion x1 9F, hidden in the left part of the floor, to the east of the woman that heals you, at the spot of a “missing” shelve (keycard required)
  • Calcium x1 9F, hidden on the right palm tree in the left part of the floor, near the woman that heals you (keycard required)
  • HP Up x1 10F, hidden in the palm tree in the upper right room
  • Carbos x1 10F, right item in the bottom left room
  • Rare Candy x1 10F, bottom item in the bottom left room
  • Ultra Ball x1 10F, left item in the bottom left room
  • Zinc x1 11F, in the bottom right part of the floor, below a grunt
  • Revive x1 11F, hidden in the middle palm tree in front of President’s room, accessed by a warp tile from 7F, which is accessed from 3F (keycard required)
  • Master Ball x1 11F, from the President in his room after defeating Giovanni

Route 16

  • HM 02 – Fly From a girl in the house in the top left corner of the route, accessed from the northern gate when leaving Celadon City
  • TM 100 – Dual Wingbeat In the north western corner of the route, left of the house with HM 02
  • Venusaurite Upstairs in the northern-south gate on route 16 from a scientist after showing him Venusaur
  • Charizardite X/Y Upstairs in the northern-south gate on route 16 from a scientist after showing him Charizard (Y if in Hardcore mode, else X)
  • Blastoisinite Upstairs in the northern-south gate on route 16 from a scientist after showing him Blastoise
  • Sceptilite Upstairs in the northern-south gate on route 16 from a scientist after showing him Sceptile
  • Blazikenite Upstairs in the northern-south gate on route 16 from a scientist after showing him Blaziken

Route 17

  • TM 114 – Heat Crash South of the gate, right above the grass patch
  • PP Up x1 Hidden on the left bicycle path below the 3rd biker if you go from top of that path (7 steps down from that biker)
  • Max Revive x1 Hidden on the left bicycle path near the bottom, between the larger and smaller ponds near the signpost
  • Absolite At the bottom of the route in the middle, right next to the signpost between the larger and smaller ponds
  • Full Restore x1 Hidden on the middle bicyle path, directly left (2 steps) of the first sign post in this path
  • Rare Candy x1 Hidden on the right bicyle path, directly right of the 3rd sign post on the middle path (1 step away from the pond)
  • Max Elixir x1 Hidden 3 steps to the right from the last sign post on the south part of the route

Route 18

  • Altarianite Below the gate, in the bottom left corner of the fenced area with 3 Birdkeepers

Route 12 (From the point where you wake up Snorlax and go towards south)

  • Slowbronite On a small islet to the south west from the Snorlax (Surf HM required)
  • Sharpedonite In the fisherman’s house, if you show him a Sharpedo follower
  • Iron x1 Just south of the Fisherman’s house, near a camper (Cut HM required)
  • Rare Candy x1 Hidden in the grassy area just south of the previous Heart Scale (2nd grass tile from the left, 5th from top, Cut HM required)
  • TM 004 – Calm Mind In the grassy area’s south western corner (Cut HM required)

Route 13

  • PP Up x1 Hidden at the bottom of the fence maze, on the tile that’s missing a fence tile near Picnicker Gwen
  • TM 085 – Future Sight Hidden at the bottom of the fence maze, close to the tile that’s missing a fence tile near Picnicker Gwen

Route 14

  • Pinap Berry x1 Hidden in the bottom right corner, on a darkened tile near the Twins
  • Zinc x1 Hidden in the grassy area, above the bikers (3rd grass tile from left, 2nd from top, Cut HM required)
  • Power Belt x1 From the little boy in the grassy area (Cut HM required)

Route 15

  • TM 018 – Rain Dance Near the gate leading to Fuchsia City, above the ledge (Cut HM required)
  • Toxic Orb x1 Upstairs in the gate from the Scientist
  • Flame Orb x1 Upstairs in the gate from the Scientist
  • Sandacondite From a Female Ace Trainer after defeating her in the western part of the route
  • Power Herb x1 From a Female Ace Trainer after defeating her in the western part of the route

Fuchsia City

  • Super Rod From the Fisherman in his house located in the south east part of the city (the house on the right)
  • Max Revive x1 Hidden behind the Fisherman’s house (outside, near the pond) right under the middle flower
  • TM 090 – Substitute From the Bug Catcher standing near the Kangaskhan in the north west
  • TM 036 – Sludge Bomb From Koga after defeating him
  • Life Orb x1 From Koga after showing him a Pokémon with at least 150 EV in speed (or at least 125 base SPE in MGM/HC)
  • Toxtricitite From Koga after showing him a Pokémon with at least 150 EV in speed (or at least 125 base SPE in MGM/HC)
  • HM 06 – Rock Smash From Brendan after defeating him in front of Safari Zone’s entrance
  • HM 04 – Strength From Warden, in his house next to the Fisherman’s house after giving him his Gold Teeth
  • Rare Candy x1 In the Warden’s house (Strength HM required)
  • Medicine From Nurse Joy standing in front of Safari Zone entrance, after you talk to Erika in Celadon City to ask her for a rematch

Safari Zone

  • Leaf Stone x1 Area 1: West-Center, on the heightened platform in the bottom right corner
  • TM 011 – Sunny Day Area 1: West-Center, near the pond in the middle of the area
  • Max Potion x1 Area 1: West-Center, north west of TM 11
  • Heracronite Area 1: West-Center, left of the Rest House in the north eastern part of the area
  • TM 058 – Rising Voltage Area 1: West-Center, north east part, right above the exit to Area 2
  • Beedrilite Area 2, in the eastern part of the area, by going through the heightened platform with a dead end
  • TM 047 – Steel Wing Area 2, in the north part of the area, near the Rest House
  • Pidgeotite Area 2, in the north-central part of the area, just above the TM 47
  • Gold Teeth Area 3: East-Center, in the north-eastern part of the area, south of a sign post, right of the northern Rest House
  • TM 032 – Solar Blade Area 3: East-Center, in the north-western part of the area, between the northern Rest House and a pond
  • Revive x1 Area 3: East-Center, hidden in the north-western part of the area, 3 steps down from the entrance of the northern Rest House and face right
  • HM 03 – Surf Area 3: From the guy in the northern Rest House
  • Lopunnite Area 3: East-Center, in the south-western part of the area, in the grass just bellow a heightened platform
  • TM 055 – Expanding Force Area 3: East-Center, on the heightened platform at the south side of the area
  • Max Revive x1 Area 3: East-Center, in the south-eastern part of the area under a heightened platform
  • TM 054 – Grassy Glide Center Area, on the small islet in the pond (Surf HM required)
  • Leaf Stone x1 Center Area, hidden on the small islet in the pond (Surf HM required)

Route 19

  • Drednawite On a small islet on the south part of the route (Surf HM required)

Route 20 (Fuchsia City side, Surf HM required to reach all of these)

  • Glalitite From Pryce after defeating him in front of Seafom Islands
  • Choice Scarf x1 From Pryce after defeating him in front of Seafom Islands

Seafoam Islands (Surf HM and Strength HM required to reach all of these)

  • Ice Heal x1 1F, on the heightened platform just north of the entrance from Fuchsia City side
  • TM 070 – Triple Axel B1F, on a heightened platform in the middle of the floor
  • Laprasite B2F, in the north western part of the floor
  • Abomasite B2F, in the south western part of the floor
  • Nugget x1 B3F, hidden on the top rock in the group of 3 rocks in the western part of the route near a ladder leading to B2F
  • Water Stone x1 B4F, hidden on the left rock in the group of 3 rocks on the middle heightened platform near a ladder leading to B3F
  • Ultra Ball x1 B4F, on the heightened platform in the south part of the floor
  • TM 097 – Frost Breath Postgame – Must beat the Sandshrew race on B3F ; close to where Sandshrew started the race (Requires Z-Ring)
  • Icium Z Postgame – Must beat the Sandshrew race on B3F ; from Pryce after beating him in a rematch battle (Requires Z-Ring)
  • Blue Orb Postgame – Must beat the Sandshrew race on B3F ; dropped by Kyogre after battling it (Requires Z-Ring)

Route 20 (Cinnabar Island side, Surf HM required to reach all of these)

  • Medichamite On the small islet in the middle of the route, just below the stationary female Swimmer
  • TM 052 – Focus Blast On the islet in the middle of the route, a male Swimmer is swimming below it

Cinnabar Island (Surf HM required to reach all of these)

  • Soul Dew x2 Pokémon Lab’s rightmost room, from a Scientist sitting at the left table in the middle of the room, if you show him Latios and Latias
  • Latiosite Pokémon Lab’s rightmost room, from a Scientist sitting at the left table in the middle of the room, if you show him Latios
  • Latiasite Pokémon Lab’s rightmost room, from a Scientist sitting at the left table in the middle of the room, if you show him Latias
  • Reveal Glass Pokémon Lab’s rightmost room, from a Scientist sitting at the table in the bottom left corner of the room, if you show him a Force of Nature
  • Aggronite From Jasmine after defeating her in Pokémon Lab
  • Choice Band x1 From Jasmine after defeating her in Pokémon Lab
  • Assault Vest x1 From Jasmine after defeating her in Pokémon Lab and showing her a Pokémon with 150 EVs in defense (or at least 125 base DEF in MGM/HC)
  • Steelixite From Jasmine after defeating her in Pokémon Lab and showing her a Pokémon with 150 EVs in defense (or at least 125 base DEF in MGM/HC)
  • TM 038 – Fire Blast From Blaine after defeating him
  • Charizardite Y/X From Blaine after defeating him and showing him a Pokémon with at least 150 EVs in Special Attack (or at least 125 base SPATK in MGM/HC ; X in HC mode)
  • Choice Specs x1 From Blaine after defeating him and showing him a Pokémon with at least 150 EVs in Special Attack (or at least 125 base SPATK in MGM/HC)

Pokémon Mansion (Surf HM required to reach all of these)

  • Escape Rope x1 1F, north side between the 4 pillars
  • Protein x1 1F, just south of the escape rope, after pressing the Metwo statue to unlock the gate
  • Zinc x1 2F, in the narrow hallway starting at the bottom of the floor
  • Calcium x1 2F, in the north east part of the floor
  • TM 076 – Stealth Rock 3F, just south of the Nerd near a table and a staircase
  • Iron x1 3F, in the north east part of the floor, accessed by pressing a Mewtwo statue on 2F and going up through the northern staircase on 2F
  • Rare Candy x1 3F, hidden in the central east part of the floor, just above the staircase in the south east, requires you to press Mewtwo statue
  • HP Up x1 2F, in the central east part of the floor, accessed by going through the staircase mentioned in the line above
  • Cameruptite 1F, in the south east part of the floor with lots of palm trees and a scientist, accesed by falling through the bigger hole on 3F
  • Banettite B1F, in the south west part of the floor
  • TM 014 – Blizzard B1F, in the small room in the north part of the floor, requires you to press Metwo statue in the south part of the floor
  • Secret Key B1F, on a table in the north west, after pressing the Mewtwo statue in the north east room
  • TM 022 – Solar Beam B1F, in a small room with palm trees, just below the Secret Key

Route 21 (Surf HM required to reach all of these)

  • Power Band x1 From a Swimmer in south part of the route swimming a short circle to the right between the first two islets (unavailable in MGM/HC mode?)
  • Power Bracer x1 From a Black Belt in the grassy area just south of Pallet Town
  • Kinglerite On an islet in the upper part of the route, below 2 stationary girls

Cerulean Cave

  • Tyranitarite 2F, in the north east area of the floor, accessed by going up the north east ladder on 1F
  • Nugget x1 1F, on a heightened platform on the north part of the floor
  • PP Up x1 2F, in the south west area of the floor, accesed by going up the south west ladder on a heightened platform on 1F (Rock Smash HM required)
  • Full Restore x1 1F, in the south east area of the floor near the pond
  • TM 026 – Earthquake 2F, in the central area of the eastern side of floor, accessed by going up the central-east ladder on 1F (Rock Smash HM required)
  • Max Elixir x1 1F, on the heightened platform in the middle of the floor
  • TM 115 – Body Press 2F, in the south east part of the floor
  • Mawilite 1F, from Ariana after defeating her in battle
  • Houndoomite 1F, from Archer after defeating him in battle
  • Garchompite B1F, in the north east area of the floor (Rock Smash required)
  • Ultra Ball x1 B1F, on the heightened platform in the central-west part of the floor

Power Plant

  • Max Potion x1 Just north of the entrance
  • Machampite From Dumbass trainer after defeating him in the central room
  • Prison Bottle From Dumbass trainer after defeating him in the central room
  • TM 109 – Superpower In the central room, right next to the Dumbass trainer
  • Elixir x1 In the central room’s west side
  • TM 025 – Thunder In the south east corner
  • Ampharosite In the north east corner
  • Max Elixir x1 Hidden in the lowest north-central room, just under the generator
  • ThunderStone x1 Hidden in the north west area, where Zapdos is, just in front of the big generator
  • Eject Button x1 From your follower Pokémon if it’s an electric type

Route 23

  • Leppa Berry x1 Hidden on a darkened tile to the left of the gate between Thunderbadge check and Rainbowbadge check gates
  • Max Ether x1 Hidden on in islet in the pond in between Soulbadge check and Marshbadge check gates
  • Ultra Ball x1 Hidden on wall between two statues between Marsh and Volcano badges check
  • Aspear Berry x1 Hidden on a darkened tile just below the Volcano badge check gate on the left side of the boulder “maze”
  • Snorlaxite In the north east corner of the Volcano badge check gate
  • Full Restore x1 Hidden on a rock 2 tiles to the left of the Salamencite
  • Sitrus Berry x1 Hidden on a darkened tile in the north west corner, just below the Victory Road’s most left side
  • Destiny Knot x1 From Brendan after defeating him in front of Victory Road’s entrance
  • Lum Berry x1 Hidden on a dark tile on the north side of the route, above Victory Road
  • Max Elixir x1 Hidden on the north side of the route, in the dead end path of the maze in front of the Pokémon League

Victory Road (Strength HM required for all of these)

  • Rare Candy x1 1F, in the north west part of the floor, the eastern item of the boulder “puzzle” (requires Strength HM)
  • TM 002 – Dragon Claw 1F, in the north west part of the floor, the northern item of the boulder “puzzle” (requires Strength HM)
  • Full Restore x1 1F, hidden in the north west part of the floor, on a boulder 2 tiles away from TM 02 to the east
  • Ultra Ball x1 1F, hidden on a rock in the narrow dead-end path after climbing off of a heightened platform on the north west side of the floor
  • HeavyDBoots x2 2F, western side of the floor, near a boulder
  • TM 037 – Sandstorm 2F, in the central-south part of the floor, right below the heightened platform
  • Full Heal x1 2F, in the central-east part of the floor, near a walking Tamer
  • TM 007 – Hail 2F, in the north east part of the floor, near a Juggler
  • Max Revive x1 3F, in the north eastern part of the floor, near an Ace Trainer
  • TM 050 – Overheat 3F, in the north west part of the floor, in front of a rock in a narrow path way to the west of the heightened platform
  • TM 067 – Poltergeist 2F, south side of the floor

Indigo Plateau

  • Metagrossite From the Dumbass Creator after defeating him in front of the Pokémon League entrance

Post Game – Sevii Islands

Treasure Beach

  • Rock Gem x1 South of Treasure Beach
  • Mewtwonite X From Red after defeating him on the beach (Requires 4+ win streak in Battle Simulator)

Kindle Road

  • Bugium Z On the right of the grass patches, from Bugsy after defeating him in a rematch
  • Bug Gem x1 At the south of where Bugsy’s standing
  • Big Nugget x1 On a small islet accessible by surfing near the first male Swimmer ; close to where Bugsy is
  • Max Ether x1 Obtained by breaking a rock near the first male Swimmer

Ember Spa

  • HM 07 – Waterfall From the old man close to the waterfalls

Mt. Ember

  • TM 112 – Misty Explosion From a Hiker at the entrance
  • Fairium Z East of the mountain, in a narrow path
  • Fire Stone x1 Hidden in a rock at the northwest of the mountain
  • Dusk Ball x1 Northwest of the mountain
  • TM 094 – Scale Shot Northeast of the mountain, after pushing some boulders

Two Island

  • TM 066 – Steel Beam Hidden behind a cut tree near the Joyful Game Corner
  • Normalium Z In the house next to the Joyful Game Corner, from Whitney after beating her in a rematch Inverse battle

Cape Brink

  • Rare Candy x1 Hidden behind Rachel’s house

Three Isle Path

  • Nugget x1 Hidden in a rock right below the stairs, on the right
  • Groundium Z From the Digger

Three Island

  • Steelium Z From one of the two NPCs outside on the left of the Pokémon Center, after beating the Bikers
  • Grass Gem x1 In a small path hidden by a cut tree, in the upper right corner
  • PP Up x1 Hidden on the last tile of the small path, hidden by a cut tree in Bond Bridge

Bond Bridge

  • Max Repel x1 Hidden in a stone

Berry Forest

  • Ground Gem x1 Near the pond, next to trainer Barry
  • TM 095 – Cosmic Power In the bottom left corner of the forest, near trainer Sharon
  • Max Ether x1 North of the forest, next to trainer Janny
  • Psychium Z From Lostelle after saving her from Mew
  • Mewium Z Dropped by Mew after beating Owen

If you want to download the latest version of the game,click hereand visitpokeharbor.comto download pre-patched Pokemon GBA, NDS, GBC & 3DS ROM Hacks

Pokemon Radical Red Item Locations (2024)
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Name: Duncan Muller

Birthday: 1997-01-13

Address: Apt. 505 914 Phillip Crossroad, O'Konborough, NV 62411

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Hobby: Shopping, Table tennis, Snowboarding, Rafting, Motor sports, Homebrewing, Taxidermy

Introduction: My name is Duncan Muller, I am a enchanting, good, gentle, modern, tasty, nice, elegant person who loves writing and wants to share my knowledge and understanding with you.