Ultimate Town Hall 10 Guide | Clash of Clans Land (2025)

This helpful Ultimate Town Hall 10 Guide is from BigPapiSolis. A big thanks to you mate!

This guide is aimed at helping those who have decided to make the jump to the dreaded Town Hall 10 and not for those who are questioning whether or not to upgrade. This guide is a matter of personal opinion and preference but hopefully will guide others on their Town Hall 10 journey.


The button has been pressed. TH10 here you come baby! What do I do now while it’s upgrading? The following is a list of what you should do to be Boy Scout ready.

  1. Plan builders currently working or upgrading to be ready to go once TH finishes.
  2. Max storages of gold/elixir and rack up some DE.
  3. Allow collectors to fill. Use farming base if you aren’t in final days of upgrade.
  4. Stock up on Loot in war CC.

Extra resource tip – If you can raid/time it well. Use a couple builders to start upgrade on gold expense, raid to fill storages, and then cancel upgrades so you get that extra gold at TH10. i.e. seeking air mines. For elixir start a elixir upgrade and cancel it to get half back at TH10.

TH Upgrade Complete

Well now you are the big bad TH10. What do you focus on first with all those resources?

In this game offense >defense but we need those infernos as well so where do I start?

Now it is dependent upon number of builders i.e. using 4 only. Do 2 elixir 2 gold upgrades right off the bat. If you have 5 which you should by TH10 do 3 elixir & 2 gold.


  1. Lab – This is the key to getting stronger get it started a.s.a.p.!
  2. Spell Factory – I believe in SF 2nd as it’s only 1 upgrade for 1 extra spell vs 4 for camps.
  3. Army Camps – Extra 20 spaces make you big and strong like ox!
  4. DE Drill – some will advocate getting drill for de but you should have 2 lvl 6 already no rush.


  1. Inferno #1
  2. Inferno#2 – If you followed preparation instructions you get both infernos right off the bat!
  3. Tesla
  4. Wizard Towers
  5. Mortars
  6. Clan castle
  7. Instant upgrades – traps
  8. Xbow
  9. Archer Tower
  10. Cannon
  11. Air Defense
  12. Air Sweeper

I recommend getting your Archer Tower and Cannon up to existing Th9 level. 2 extra point defenses add to overall DPS. Here some will advocate holding off on Cannon and Archer Tower and taking Infernos right to level 3. If you want the Inferno challenge that would be up to you! Level 3 Inferno Towers are awesome!

Because of the Tesla’s long upgrading time, you should always use 1 Builder for working on it and just one. This is your core defense, Your base will be much weaker If you upgrading 2 or more Teslas together.


Lab is finished so where to start you ask? Well that depends on you!

How do you play the game?

Are you a farmer or a war monger?

Upgrade the troops in the order that benefit you the most depending on what your goals are for the game. There is no right or wrong here since it is your game. As a big donator in my clan I opted for Wizards as they are #1 requested troop overall for attacks/defense.

My tip here for elixir expenditures is to use war loot to replenish elixir once it is expended on an upgrade and not to use it to reach a certain amount. The worse thing is having to wait on collectors while waiting for enough elixir to raid.


New defenses are built and ready to go. Where do I start upgrading now? I list the defenses in priority of how I feel they should be upgraded matter of opinion assuming all defenses are maxed TH9 lvl.

  1. Infernos to level 3 – Multi-infernos wreak havoc and strike fear in hearts of attackers.
  2. Teslas level 8 – 99 Dps x 4 is just hell in a henhouse for P.E.K.K.As in the core.
  3. 3rd Xbow to level 3. – The range of the xbow and rate of fire are its saving grace.
  4. Wizard Towers to lvl 8 – Splish Splash barchers be taking a deadly bath by these.
  5. Mortars – With Wizard Towers, Barching will be difficult.
  6. Archer Towers – Shoot air and ground
  7. Cannons – Shoot ground only
  8. 2 other xbows to lvl 4
  9. The last Xbow to level 4.
  10. Air defenses (assuming you already have 4 at lvl 7.)


You must be thinking well this guide is great (or sucks) but how am I going to pay for all this shiz nizzle when all the threads I see are complaining that loot sucks at TH10 omg. Well guess what? It is not that bad!! There I said it. Farming at TH10 is totally doable if you are skilled and farm at the right range:

  1. Barch – 2 rax barbs 2 rax archers
  2. Bam – 2 of each
  3. Bag – 8-12 giants, 8-10 wbs, rest archers/barbs. Throw in wizards for added dps
  4. Loonion – I farm with 16 loons rest minions. Up your balloon count to core deeper.

League & Trophy Range

Fresh Th10’s1800-2200 range. -Use barch and bam as it is the most efficient for garnering resources. As infernos are upgrading you are a TH9 in a th10 body, but now other Th10’s can raid you no penalty at all, don’t want to encroach in their territory just yet. Switch to bag if you are having trouble raiding.
It is good to slide up and down the leagues as you are searching for gold/elixir/de depending on what upgrade you are working towards next. Here are my tips for each resource:

Gold – 1800-2200 and 2600-2900
Elixir – 1800-2400
DE – Crystal 3 & Up – Crystal 1 & Masters 3 preferred.

I have listed a range of 3 leagues as sometimes you have to slide up and down the league depending on what SC Gods are giving you loot wise. If you find a sweet spot ride it out!
The new league bonuses are really good and if you are a good barcher then Masters can be a great place to reside for gold/de as the loot bonus plus any loot raided is awesome.

Clan Wars

It takes some time to grow into your TH10 bully form as you upgrade camps, lab, spells. If you upgrade spell factory right off the bat you can really help your clan out by taking out their top th9’s with your 5 spell slot. As you upgrade camps, troops, and freeze spell you can begin putting some dents into the TH10’s you can encounter.
Tip – Know your skills and what you can do to benefit your clan the most in wars!


I hope this helps some of you and relaxes your mind about the upgrade to Th10. I will keep track of this thread and update anything I missed or any helpful advice suggested by others. Congrats on your new TH10 fellow clashers and clash on!

Ultimate Town Hall 10 Guide | Clash of Clans Land (2025)


How to max TH10 fast? ›

Upgrades to Max Quickly
  1. Collectors.
  2. Air defenses to 8 (massive DPS, very little war weight)
  3. Air sweepers to 6 (devastating to air assaults)
  4. Hidden Teslas to 8 (what they can't see will definitely hurt them)
  5. New walls to 10, it will cost only 11 million to get all 25 walls to level 8.

How long does it take to fully upgrade a TH10? ›

Overall Upgrade Costs and Durations
Builder Time1mo 14d 7h
Lab Time3mo 19d 4h

How long does it take to go from Max Town Hall 10 to Max Town Hall 11? ›

Town Hall 10 Full Details156.3M 40M 1mo 10d62.7M 623K 3mo 19d
Town Hall 11 Full Details266.98M 63.5M 2mo 0d82.4M 1.08M 4mo 23d
Overall Total423.28M 103.5M 3mo 11d145.1M 1.7M 8mo 12d

Can you get super troops at TH10? ›

Town Hall Level 9 and above can receive Super Troops as donations, provided that there's room for them in the Clan Castle.

How long does it take to max out Clash of Clans without gems? ›

Short Answer: It Depends

It largely depends on how you play the game. For some, it could take years, while others might speed through the levels a bit quicker. If you're playing without spending any real money, maxing out your village could take anywhere from a few years to potentially over a decade.

Which town hall is the hardest? ›

As a high legend league th15, I can confirm that th15 is the hardest, for several reasons.
  • Attack/Defense hasn't been balanced yet.
  • Poison spell towers add an addition AOE that shred through multiple units.
  • Monolith stopping power, enough said.
  • Hero power creep is reel. ...
  • personal data.
Nov 22, 2022

Will there be a town hall in 17? ›

You can expect more merged defenses to be added to the game. Town Hall 17 is a hot topic in the Clash of Clans community; you can expect that the new town hall might have eagle artillery as its weapon, switching away from the inferno beams. However, the release date of the new town hall has not yet been specified.

What is the longest upgrade in Clash of Clans? ›

The longest upgrade time in Clash of Clans is a whopping 14 days! That's right, two whole weeks. This typically applies to top-level upgrades such as Town Hall 14 or key defensive buildings like the Eagle Artillery and Inferno Towers when they reach their highest levels.

Will there be a Builder Hall 11? ›

In latest Q&A (19 February, 2024) on reddit, Supercell said that 2024 is year of Home Village. So they will focus on Home Village this year. We can expect to see Builder Hall 11 between Jan to May 2025.

Is it better to max out before upgrading Town Hall? ›

The answer to this question depends on your play style and goals. If you are a casual player who enjoys playing the game at a leisurely pace, then upgrading your town hall when you have maxed out your current buildings and troops might be the best option.

How to max th11 fast? ›

To summarize:
  1. Build the new 25 wall pieces.
  2. Build the new Cannon, Archer Tower, Wizard Tower, X-Bow, and Eagle Artillery.
  3. Get a Town Hall 11 Layout (You can do that while you are still building the new defenses)
  4. Upgrade the Air Defenses to 9.
  5. Max out the Air Sweepers.
  6. Upgrade the new Cannon and Archer Tower to 13.

How long does it take to max Town Hall 10 total? ›

Town Hall 10 Full Details156.3M 40M 1mo 10d62.7M 623K 3mo 19d
Town Hall 11 Full Details266.98M 63.5M 2mo 0d82.4M 1.08M 4mo 23d
Town Hall 12 Full Details412.87M 108.5M 3mo 0d133.9M 1.85M 7mo 8d
Town Hall 13 Full Details775.45M 128M 4mo 8d206.9M 1.6M 8mo 25d
2 more rows

How many days to max th14? ›

I feel like that was really quick, how long did it take you? I feel like Th13 takes longer because you have to upgrade mostly everything twice.

What is the highest Town Hall in Clash of Clans? ›

As of the latest updates, the highest Town Hall level in Clash of Clans is Town Hall 15. This majestic level represents the pinnacle of your village's development, offering new defenses, buildings, and powerful upgrades that can make your base nearly invincible.

What is the max level for TH10 hero? ›

Fandom. My Town Hall 10 is Max With Heroes of level 40-40.

Should you rush through TH10? ›

TH10 Upgrade Priority Guide

TH10 is the farming heaven of the game as things are cheap and yet your farming becomes much easier than TH1-9. As long as you have lvl5-6 barch, you can do well in TH10 for farming. I strongly recommend any new player to reach TH10 within the first 2-3 months of starting the game and…

How do you beat Town Hall 10? ›

The most effective spell combinations include all lightning spells, all rage spells, or a mix of four lightning and one rage spell. GoWiBo is another powerful strategy for both clan war and multiplayer battles at Town Hall 10, especially when you have access to clan castle bowlers and a siege machine.

What is the max level in barbarian king TH10? ›

Both the archer queen and barbarian king in Townhall 10 can be upgraded to level 40. Level 40 Queen upgrade cost 175000 dark elixer. Damage per second 419, hit points 1630. Level 40 King upgrade cost 165000 dark elixer.

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